Learn, Reach, Shine!
Whole School Curriculum Overview
Our Classes
Extra Curricular Opportunities
Yearly Government Assessments
LRS Leaders
Active School, PE and Sport
Active School, PE & Sport
PE Sports & Funding Sports Council Fit in Five Swimming BikeabilityLent Rise School is committed to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for all of our children. Through our curriculum, extracurricular clubs and physical activities throughout the day, we aim to promote positive attitudes to health and wellbeing and a lifelong love for being active. We believe that every child should enjoy a range of different activities and experiences in physical education and sport.
· Our PE curriculum is inclusive, challenging and enriching for all children, with a focus on children achieving their ‘Personal Best’.
· We are dedicated to improving the PE curriculum through Real Legacy.
· We provide a number of different extra-curricular activities and clubs.
· We have links to community clubs to enhance our PE curriculum and the activities we offer children.
· We have a number of regular visitors to the school, including GB Olympic athletes and Wycombe Wanderers Football Club.
· We are dedicated in becoming an ‘Active School’ and provide children with extra physical activities throughout the day through ‘Active Blasts’ in lessons and through our ‘Fitin5’ track.
· We ensure children are able to enter both intra and inter school competitions.
· We have a Sports Week every year which includes our ‘School Games’ days to promote activity in children.
· We have promoted the Woman’s World Cup.
· Our Sports Leaders are engaged in leading, organising and managing activities throughout the year.
realLegacy partnership
School Games Award 2020-21