The Governing Body

In addition to board and committee meeting, the board hold a strategy meeting each September.
In September 2023, the governing board revised it's vision.
Mrs J. Watson

Headteacher. Appointed by Members on 30/09/2015.Appointed on 26/11/2020 by the Governing Body. Pecuniary Interest/s: Member Beeches Learning and Development Trust, Member of Management Committee of the Bucks Pupil Referral Unit ( ended 2023) , supporting Millbrook Combined School as Interim Headteacher from October 2023 to April 2024

Mrs Jill Watson
Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, SL1 7NP
01628 662913

I have been Headteacher at Lent Rise School since April 2012 and started my career as an Early Years Teacher here in 1999 becoming an Assistant Headteacher in 2005 and then Acting Headteacher for a brief spell from September 2011, before I took on the substantive role. As a result, early leadership development has always played a vital part in my professional pathway and is something that I continue to foster as one of the core values of my role. I take pride in facilitating leadership development at all levels throughout the school.

As Headteacher I hold the children’s best interests at the heart of everything that we do as a school and recognise each child as an individual. I am particularly interested in different ways of engaging children in learning, such as using ICT to ignite their enthusiasm and drive so that they can go on to achieve their full potential. I feel strongly that assessment for learning, curriculum development and the use of self-assessment to drive standards all contribute to the successful education provided at a school.

I believe that a school should be at the heart of its local community and a source of pride for all associated with it: a sentiment I hold most firmly for all the pupils and staff of Lent Rise. The team ethos and family values throughout the school are unquestionable and make it a pleasure to be Headteacher here. Lent Rise School is a family under one roof and I firmly believe that each and every one of our team contributes to its success.

Mrs Gemma Kirkham

Parent Governor appointed by the parents body 23/02/18 and subsequently appointed by board. Pecuniary interests: None

I am mum to four children, and will have been doing the school run to Lent Rise for 15 years after my son (hopefully!) starts in September. My eldest has just left Lent Rise for secondary school and so having one daughter already go through Lent Rise, I feel I have a good understanding of how the school works.

I currently work part-time as a gymnastics coach at a local club and on a university course where I am also a member of their wellbeing team. Here I see the issues young adults experience at the latter end of their academic journey. I hope to use these experiences to ensure all children at Lent Rise have a positive and engaging start to school.

Having four children I appreciate how each can have different academic experiences dependant on their individual attributes but hope that Lent Rise School would be a place where every child can thrive and flourish in many different forms. I am proud to say my children attend Lent Rise School and would want all parents, and children, to feel the same way.

In my spare time, I enjoy baking, reading and running (to work off all the baking!) I am looking forward to my term as parent governor and hope my experiences of being Mum will fairly represent the views of our school community.

Governors with Finance and Legal Services Expertise Required

The Governors of Lent Rise School are seeking to appoint highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals to work with the Governors and Leadership team to take the school to the next stage of development. 

Being a school governor or trustee is a challenging but hugely rewarding role. It will give you the chance to make a real difference to young people, give something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in a board-level environment.

There is no requirement for you to have an understanding of the education system, just the necessary skills, character and time to contribute. There is plenty of training available to help you learn about education. Schools needs and benefit from a range of professional knowledge on their governing board including education, finance, human resources, legal, marketing and public relations, property and estates management, and organisational change.


As a governor or trustee, you will be able to:

  1. Use your own experience of education and life beyond school to inform conversations

  2. Develop and utilise your skills in a board-level environment

  3. Make a valuable contribution to education and your community

  4. Support and challenge the school so that it improves for pupils and staff

  5. Bring your unique experiences, perspectives and insights in to decision-making in the interests of the school community

What governors and trustees do?
The governing board provides strategic leadership and accountability in schools. It has three key functions:
  1. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

  3. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

Governors or trustees set the aims and objectives for the school or group of schools and set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher. In action, this means:
  1. Appointing and performance reviewing the head teacher and senior leaders, including making decisions about pay

  2. Managing budgets and deciding how money is spent

  3. Engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community

  4. Sitting on panels and making decisions about things like pupil exclusions and staff disciplinary

  5. Addressing a range of education issues within the school including disadvantaged pupils, pupils with special needs, staff workload and teacher recruitment

  6. Looking at data and evidence to ask questions and have challenging conversations about the school

Governors and trustees must be prepared to adopt the Nolan principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. Governors and trustees should also be committed to their role and to young people; confident in having courageous conversations; curious with an enquiring mind; able to challenge the status quo to improve things; collaborative to build strong relationships; critical to improve their own work and that of the board; and creative in problem solving and being innovative.

Lent Rise School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all.  All Governors will be required to undertake an enhanced DBS clearance and will be required to complete training to support the role. For more details on the school visit the website:

If you would like to find out more please contact Mrs Barnard, School Secretary to arrange discussion with the headteacher or a Governor.

Governor Diversity Information
As a Governing Body we work to promote diversity and inclusion throughout our school. We celebrate our differences and foster an environment of tolerance, respect and acceptance. Those from all backgrounds, cultures, faiths and none are welcome to join us. Our mutual desire is to make Lent Rise School the very best place for children to Learn, Reach and Shine.
In 2023, each governor was asked to volunteer some diversity information as suggested by the DfE.    Multiple choice options were provided along with a 'prefer not to answer' option for each question.
8 Governors submitted their responses as follows:
Age All 8 responses (100%) fell into the age 41-60 category
2 (25%) governors identified as Indian
5 (62.5%) governors identified as White British
1 (12.5%) Governor identified as White Irish
2 (25%) governors identified as Male
6 (75%) governors identified as Female
 % are out of total that responded to the voluntary request for information sharing.
Mrs M. Young

Chair of Governors. Appointed on 07/06/15 as a Co-Opted Governor. Appointed by the Members 01/11/2015. Pecuniary Interest/s: None

Mrs Maggie Young
Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, SL1 7NP
01628 662913

I am married to Graham and have three grown up children, all of whom attended Lent Rise School. I have been actively involved with Lent Rise since 1995 firstly as a member of the then Lent Rise School Association and then as a Governor. I began as a Parent Governor over ten years ago, continued as a Local Authority approved Governor and then a Community Governor. I am currently Chair of Governors.

I have a health background as a Dental Health Educator and am currently working as a Manager for Cancer Research UK. I have a particular interest in Health and Safety and have an IOSH Managing Safety certificate.

In my spare time I enjoy gardening (I have had an allotment for over 25 years), cooking and baking with the things I have grown and long country walks with my dog, I especially enjoy spending time with my family.

Mr B. Stringer

Vice Chair, appointed on 10/6/2015 until 12/7/2019 as a Co-Opted Governor. Appointed by the Members 1/11/2015. Term Ended 12/07/2019 Pecuniary Interest/s: None

Bill Stringer has been a Governor at Lent Rise School since 2011. He is currently Vice Chair and Business Link Governor.

A graduate chemical engineer, Bill is a strategic advisor and private equity investor working with a portfolio of businesses including a medical device company and a mobile electronics business. Bill specialises in leading the sales and marketing functions of the businesses he works with.

Bill is married with two children, both of whom attended Lent Rise School. Bill is a keen cyclist and is a Level 2 cycling coach at Hillingdon Slipstreamers, a youth cycling club.

Development Governor

Mrs Kirsty Foley

Staff Governor appointed by the staff 22/11/2018. Appointed as a Co opted Governor by the Governing Body on 01/07/2021. Pecuniary interests: None

I am a mum of two children who have completed their journey through Lent Rise School and are now both at Secondary School.

I have been working at Lent Rise for nearly 10 years. I started as a dinner supervisor when my daughter started in Early Years and not long after, I was given the opportunity to work one to one with a pupil on a part time basis, this then progressed to a full time one to one role and in the last 2 years have taking a leadership role for our breakfast and after school club.

I find my job very rewarding but with some challenges at times, I overcome these challenges as I work with a good support network of colleagues.

In my spare time I like to go running and participate in various sports and spend valuable time with my family and friends.

Ms S. Penkethman

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs Pauline Muldoon

Pecuniary Interests: None. Co-opted by the trustees 11/7/2019. Appointed as Member Trustee on 28/11/2019.

My name is Pauline Muldoon and I have been a governor at Lent Rise for 4 years. Supporting people and organisations to achieve their potential is important to me, both through my work as an executive coach and as a governor at Lent Rise. My son previously attended Lent Rise last year and my daughter is currently in year 5. Being a governor is rewarding for me in making a difference for our pupils at such a formative stage in their life.

Miss Sarah Boxall

Staff Governor appointed by the staff 23/02/18. Appointed as a Co opted Governor by the Governing Body on 01/07/2021. Pecuniary interests: None

I have been teaching for over 10 years and completed my Bachelor of Education in Australia. I have taught in KS1 at Lent Rise for the past few years and was drawn to the school by the friendliness and work ethics of its teaching staff and pupils.

I have always been drawn to education and have found it to be a very rewarding career. The ability to inspire our youth and develop their curiosity and creativity, yet challenge them to become the best learners they can be is a gratifying experience. I look forward to my own continued learning and have aspirations to develop further and become a Senior Leader. In my spare time I enjoy travel, brunch, shopping and yoga.

I feel privileged to be a governor at Lent Rise and I look forward to contributing my experiences, knowledge and skills to its governing board.

Timothy Steel

Governor Appointed by Members 28/11/2019. Pecuniary interests: None

I have lived in the Burnham area for over 30 years and my wife, Julia, is Burnham born and bred. Our two grown up children both attended Lent Rise School.

I have worked in the science industry for the majority of my life, first as a Plant Scientist, then a Food Analyst, then as a Metabolism Chemist for regulatory pesticide submission and then moved on to scientific instrument sales. Four years ago I took semi-retirement and worked part time as an instructor at Go Ape! at Black Park, whilst also running my own cycle repair business. At Go Ape! I worked with many young adults and children who came to have fun. Go Ape!’s motto is to “Turn I can’t into I can” and it was always rewarding to encourage an excited but hesitant child to fly down a zip wire

I am now fully retired and volunteer at Cliveden. Lent Rise was a great school for my children and it is a privilege to help it continue to be so as a Governor. I enjoy riding my bike as often as I can, gardening, cooking, walking and reading.

Mr Atif Khan

Parent Governor Appointed by the GB on 22/10/2021 Appointed by Members 08/12/2023. Pecuniary Interests: Pupil at school

I have a young family, therefore being part of the board of governors will give me an insight into the running of Lent Rise School.

My background is in bid management and my experiences come from a wide range of industries. I will use the commercial and tendering skills I have gained over the years to contribute to the future success of Lent Rise School.

Any spare time I have is spent playing sports, meeting friends and family, reading books and when we are able to, I would like to travel again.

My reason for joining the board of governors was to help make a positive change and I hope other parents can be encouraged to take the same steps.

Mrs Kavita Sharma

Parent Governor Appointed by the GB on 22/10/2021 Appointed by Members 08/12/2023. Pecuniary Interests: Pupil at school

Rev Victoria Davidson

Governor Appointed by GB on 21/04/2022. Pecuniary Interests: Charity Trustee at The Well at Lent Rise and Thames Valley Circuit of the Methodist Church

I have been involved in school governance since 2014 when I became a co-opted governor at a primary school in Hanworth. As part of the team that helped that school move from Requires Improvement to Good with elements of Outstanding, I learned a lot about how good governance can support and challenge schools to thrive. I am a great believer in the idea that "good on good on good on good gets to excellent" - basically that being consistently good leads inevitably to excellence. During my time at that school, I was maths lead, SEN, early years and finally Chair during which time I was able to experience many wonderful things and also many challenges.

I am the Methodist Minister for the Thames Valley Circuit and this includes Burnham Methodist Church on the corner at Lent Rise, and I can be seen in school once a month as part of the Open the Book Team. Before I was a minister, I was in the performing arts world where I worked as a singer, director, musical director and (after children) as a peripatetic music and drama teacher in primary and secondary schools in the state and private sector and in university and college settings, so I bring a very broad experience of education over 30 years to this role.

I have a husband, two adult children, three school-aged grand-children and three dogs and my hobbies are music, ballroom dancing and reading detective fiction. I am currently the lead on well-being and personal development and look forward to meeting more parents and children as the year progresses.

Mrs Lindsay Wright

Governor Appointed by GB 7/09/2023. Pecuniary Interests: Employee at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP and Director at Link Engagement Ltd and Sew Consulting

Mr Asfer Tamimi

Parent Governor Elected by parents 08/12/2023. Pecuniary interests: None

I am a Senior Software Engineer at Bumble, a world leading IT company with offices in 6 countries. I have a degree in Computer Science and have been in the IT industry for over 19 years.

I am a married father of two beautiful boys, one of whom currently attends Lent Rise Nursery, and I’m a devoted uncle of six nieces and nephews. I have always taken great interest and an active role in my own children’s upbringing and education, and have additionally supported local efforts within the community. I help plan and lead a local walking group to promote health and enriching activities outdoors, and I also volunteer as an Assistant Scouts Leader, a position I have honoured for over 6 years.

I have a good understanding of safeguarding, children’s well-being and the importance of providing safe and fulfilling environments for children’s education while respecting different abilities and backgrounds. I already have DBS certification from my aforementioned roles.

In my spare time I like to go to the gym, camp, hike, and spend time with my family and friends. I am also a member of a local Book Club and support an initiative within the community to promote literacy and reading amongst adults and young people.

I feel that with my professional skills, combined with my passion for making a difference to the lives of my own ducklings and all those with whom they share the pond, I would make an excellent parent governor.

Mrs Trupti Vaidya

Elected by parents 08/12/2023. Pecuniary interests: Pupil at school. Resigned from role 13/10/2024

Mrs Uzma Zeeshan

Parent Governor elected by parents 15/11/2024. Pecuniary Interests - Pupils at the school

I'm a Human Resources Management specialist and bring along 20+ years of work experience as a senior HR professional, including working for unitary local government in Buckinghamshire, Slough Borough Council, South Bucks District Council and the NHS, and thus fully understand the key challenges faced by the public sector (including education/schools) in the UK. I demonstrate hands on knowledge and experience in strategic HRM, including HR policies and planning, HR business partnering, leadership development, coaching and mentoring. I have also worked as a trustee and held strategic leadership roles during my private sector career. I am CIPD level-7 (HRM), a Master in Public Administration, and hold a degree in Law.

All my three kids have attended Lent Rise School as their primary learning place, and my journey as a parent of kids flourishing at LRS began more than a decade ago; my youngest and I are indeed looking forward to about another 5 years of learning, accomplishments, and shinning at LRS.
Over the years, I have witnessed LRS continually endeavouring to maintain its standards in close partnership with parents and pupils and aiming for its pupils to gain necessary skills for life through ever-refining curriculum and healthy challenges that enable courage, creativity, critical thinking and reasoning in pupils. My experience with the school also includes some of the unprecedented times (COVID) where the school's strategic leadership demonstrated exceptional resilience in ensuring continued learning for its pupils.

I am a strong supporter of LRS's core values as mandatory enablers for developing confident. resilient, respecting, responsible, and contributing future adults of the community and I look forward to offering my enthusiasm, experience and skills in supporting the LRS strategic leadership team in delivering its aims and vision.

Lent Rise School Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales,
limited by guarantee with registered Company number 9801986.

Registered office: Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7NP • Tel: 01628 662913