School Uniform

Following a consultation with parents in 2022, we have adapted our uniform policy. From 2022, our uniform policy is: 

Main Uniform: 

  • White shirt/polo shirt* 

  • Grey trousers/knee length shorts or knee length skirt 

  • Red cardigan, pullover or sweatshirt * 

  • Grey or white socks or tights 

  • School tie (optional, but very strongly encouraged for upper KS2) 

  • Black leather sensible all activity footwear (grip sole preferable for outdoor wear e.g. grippy sole rather than flat slippy sole) 

*logo version encouraged but optional 


Warm weather alternative: 

  • Red gingham shirt/dress/skirt/shorts 

Religious dress: 

Items are requested to be in keeping with school uniform colours e.g. white long sleeved under t-shirt, grey tights/legwear (not leggings) 


PE Uniform: 

  • White round neck t-shirt (no buttons)* 

  • Red shorts (cotton from uniform shop or these can be purchased from the school on parentmail) 

  • Running shoes or sports trainers for outdoor sport (no shoes are worn in the hall for indoor sport) 

  • Dark coloured tracksuit bottoms may be worn for outside PE. during the winter months 

  • Trainers – no specified colour 

*logo version encouraged but optional 



  • No extremes of colour or style, or shaved patterns on the head.   

  • Hair bands to be in keeping with school uniform colours. 

  • Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back.  



We ask that no jewellery is worn. 

If your child has pierced ears, only one pair of plain studs should be worn, however the Health and Safety Executive state that all jewellery must be removed for PE and Games - therefore please ensure that your child knows how to remove them and consider any new piercings to be completed over the Summer holidays. 


PreLoved uniform is available through the school second hand uniform shop. or please see Mrs O’Leary in the school office. 


Logo branded: 

These items are optional and can be purchased from: 

  • Schooldays Direct 

  • Olympic Workwear 

Lent Rise School Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales,
limited by guarantee with registered Company number 9801986.

Registered office: Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7NP • Tel: 01628 662913