


At Lent Rise School our intent is to deliver a curriculum that supports with making critical judgments about the part, enabling them to make predictions about the future. We aim for our pupils to recall facts, analyse their historical importance, and use them when making historical arguments. Alongside our Voice 21 project, we aim for all pupils to become eloquent speakers, delivering effective discussion points.



With the use of rigorous progression maps, our pupils will cover all their necessary topics throughout their time at Lent Rise. Alongside this, a clear skills progression map highlights the skills they will develop and build on throughout the years. These documents allow for regular and consistent use of Learn Retrieve Share challenges, allow our pupils to recall information they have learnt from previous topics. Using their knowledge, we teach them to reach their own conclusions and justify their opinions on historical events, people, and places.  



By the time our pupils finish Lent Rise, they will have a wide variety of historical skills and knowledge. The children will confidently recognise important people and events from the past and, above all else, they will have developed the ability to think critically, identifying their own opinions and conclusions on historical sources. Our children will be going beyond recalling facts about the past, justifying the impact these had on the future.  

Pathway Subject Statement: 

At Lent Rise we aim for all children to make critical statements about the past, displaying a strong knowledge about events leading to the present day. 

Lent Rise School Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales,
limited by guarantee with registered Company number 9801986.

Registered office: Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7NP • Tel: 01628 662913