Here at Lent Rise School, we ensure that the curriculum we deliver is centred around providing all children with the knowledge, skills and experiences needed to provide them with the power to succeed in later life. We ensure our opportunities link to children’s knowledge, curriculum, social skills, language, experiences and sense of community. Our cultural capital experiences are interlinked with SMSC, pupil premium, PSHRE and Spanish in particular, but cover all subjects across the curriculum.
What is Cultural Capital?
Cultural Capital is defined as nurturing and enabling pupils to become educated citizens through the provision of what has been thought and said (Ofsted, 2019). Cultural Capital contributes to a child’s personal, social, physical, spiritual, moral and cultural development.
How are we focusing on cultural capital here at Lent Rise School?
As a team, we strive to deliver content that is knowledge-rich through a mastery approach, rather than content taught for memory, enabling them to have a deepened understanding of the wider world and the skills they have been taught.
Each year group makes their own contributions to a child’s cultural capital in close correlation with the national curriculum, however, as a whole school, we focus on the acquisition of skills and the 6 key areas of development that contribute to a child’s cultural capital. As a team, we:
- Provide opportunities for children to explore new activities through lunchtime and after- school clubs
- Teach children about the wide variety of arts through the arts and music
- Embed school trips within the progression of skills across the curriculum
- Provide plenty of opportunities for questioning, curiosity and creativity
- Immerse our children in inter-generational opportunities
- The implementation of pupil premium strategies and school-led tutoring
- Child-led assemblies and assemblies linked to themes of SMSC
- Participate in the eco-committee, school council and LRS Buddy teams (Y5/6)
- World Book Day
- Share lessons and learning with family members (curriculum evening)
- Engage with our Behaviour Policy and foster a positive-language environment
- The delivery of R.E lessons to ensure progression is paramount
- Promote equality for all in the delivery of our practice and through the delivery of PSHE lessons to ensure progression is paramount
- The delivery of our Spanish curriculum to ensure progression is paramount
- The delivery of P.E lessons to ensure progression is paramount
- Cycling safety training in Year 5
- Afternoon Tea with the Headteacher – opportunity for pupil voice
- ELSA support
- Transition support for Year 6 pupils
- Wellbeing focus, with a dedicated wellbeing staff member available at all times
- Deliver an art curriculum that teaches children about significant artists, both present and past, and their contributions to the world of art.
- We are a Voice21 school and have adapted our oracy practice so that children, and staff, value and reflect on discussions within the classroom.
- The opportunity to learn an instrument